The Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) has established the Center for Information Technology (CIT) to drive the adoption of digital technology and strategies to improve the internal work processes and services of the OIC. The CIT focuses on the development of internal systems under the umbrella of OIC Digital Transformation, aiming to elevate the efficiency of insurance business supervision, to keep pace with evolving challenges, and respond to emerging risks. The CIT has successfully designed and implemented a suite of internal systems for the OIC, as follows:
1. OIC Committee Portal 2. Central Billing System 3. Digital Signature System 4. Work Plan and Performance Analysis System 5. Risk Analysis and Management System 6. Meeting Support System (for supporting work operations and facilitating decision-making in meetings) 7. Insurance Policy Retrieval System 8. Branch Office Expense Management System 9. Data Sharing & Governance API (managing data sets for sharing and controlling access across departments) 10. International Standards Internal Control and Audit System 11. Investment Data Linking System 12. Building Access Control System 13. Insurance Regulatory Sandbox (IRS) system (system for verifying qualifications and managing applications for IRS projects) 14. Tailor Made Sandbox (TMS) system (system for verifying qualifications and managing applications for the project) 15. Insurance Fraud Reporting and Monitoring System 16. IT and Risk Management System for Internal Control 17. CIT Central Data Management System |